Natural Breast Enhancement Forums

Full Version: Could massaging too much hurt my breasts?
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I've been massaging for about 10minutes twice a day. I usually massage them quite quickly and vigorously such that it starts to feel numb to touch, and hurt in general. They get a little red too. I dunno if it's growing pains and growth stimulation - or if I'm hurting them too much!

Sounds a bit OTT to me. Too much of anything is not usually a good thing. The point of the massage is to stimulate blood flow not cause physical distress to the underlying tissues - breast tissue and the supporting structures are delicate and can be damaged by stretching and generally mangling!
It looks that you are not doing your massage in right way. You just need to massage gently with soft hands. It will work for you and your pain will also be removed. Good Luck....
I agree with Pansy-Mae. Don't over do. After all, it's not like banging your head against a wall just so it will feel good when you stop.

I wish I could manage 10 minutes. I've never timed, but i doubt I've made it all the way to 1 minute, much less 10. Kudos on your effort, just take it a little easier.
Thanks =) I've stopped overdoing it now. I do just 2 x 360 revolutions daily. I'm actually very very surprised that it works. Like, I know it doesn't work for everyone but it seems to have a good effect on me. I've been focusing on my left breast more because it's noticably smaller than the right one and now it's pretty much even (unless my right breast shrunk? lol). But they both fit my bra just right.

Maybe it's in my head...but I feel good =) So yeah no need to overdo it.
Don't press too hard. Take a day off if you feel soreness and just press gently.