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Full Version: Bust Boom Anyone??
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Has anyone had results from taking Bust Boom? They are rather slightly pricey. I wonder if the pics are real.
It looks me to me as though they have both had implants. It especially noticeable with the second girl as you can really tell her areolas have not gotten any bigger, bur looked stretch, as they do over implants. Those kind of results are definitely possible with NBE, but I think the claims for those particular photos are fraudulent. Don't waste your money.
(17-02-2012, 09:24)Quest4boobs Wrote: [ -> ]It looks me to me as though they have both had implants. It especially noticeable with the second girl as you can really tell her areolas have not gotten any bigger, bur looked stretched, as they do over implants. Those kind of results are definitely possible with NBE, but I think the claims for those particular photos are fraudulent. Don't waste your money.

I would definitely say this is a scam. 3 cup sizes in 10 weeks? Nooo way! They are claiming to be a miracles pill that does it all, and we all know that doesn't exist.
Yeah its all over ebay. It just seems to good to be true
I'm also leery that they don't list any ingredients that I can see. Would be kinda nice to know this stuff in case you're allergic to certain things. Huh
Yes this product works very good i was a none believer at first all the post seemed fake to me but i bought it anyway.To my surprise the first week i took them my breast began to grow about a half an inch every 2 days .Ive always had realy small breast I mean small i was flat chested not even an A cup .But after one week of use im now about an 32A And very happy.I dont know what more to say if you don't believe me good for you i don't care if you do or don't .I can say ive tried a lot of different breast enhancement products and none of them are as safe as bust boom and none of them work as great .Big Grin
Oh and the ingredients for bust boom are;Blessed Thistle,Black cohosh, Dong Quai,Damiana powder,Fennel seed,Saw palmetto,Watercress,Wild Yam, Is that good enough for you and again if you don't believe me that it works i do not care becauseTongue I know for a fact that it does for me
I'm taking it right now. I'll tell you if I get anything out of it.
Cool, would love to see those results!
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