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Hey Smile

I have been considering the pro gest cream from Emerita for NBE. But I have a few questions.

Is pro gest cream safe to use for young women, I'm only 22 years old, or am I gonna mess my hormones up for the next couple of years?

What are the side effects of pro gest cream?

When do I know that I am progesterone deficient, what are the symptoms?
s pro gest only for menopausal women?

I have been considering to go the pro gest way Tongue after I read Alyssa's program and saw how much she has grown.

Thanks Smile
It's bio-identical and as long as you take it during the natural peak of progesterone during your cycle -- it should not mess with it. I have used the same cream for a variety of reasons since I was 21. I tried the synthetic progesterone and had really bad migraines. That is when I switched. Call the company and learn more. They are very good about providing information. It can be used for all women, it is just used differently during a 30 day cycle depending on what you are needing.

Massage and the l-arginine are very important as well. No caffeine if you can, it can create estrogen dominance in some women.
I'm using PC (Emerita pro-gest) for PCOS and hopefully to finish my breast development and from my experience and what I've learned from others is that if you really are deficient then the cream can do you a whole lot of good. I am just in the first stages of use but once I've been using a lot for a few days I have tons of energy and my appetite is normal - if I eat a good meal, I have no desire to eat anything else, and I even refuse sweets.

I don't know whether it would mess up your hormones... I have read on some sites that supplementing progesterone won't affect your body's ability to produce it (the way other hormone supplementation such as thyroid hormones would), but I haven't seen any studies that confirm or contradict that. I am a university student though, so I now have access to pretty much any medical study I find and I plan on researching it more thoroughly.

PC is recommended for women of all ages though. Dr. John Lee used it on his patients for menopause relief and things like PCOS and PMS.