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Do these work well for NBE? With herbs? I've heard things about bad cystic acne....not only on the face. Has anyone experienced this?Huh
Do you have cystic acne already, even if it's under control? Cystic acne is not the sort of thing that can easily be caused by anything other than genetics, but I'm sure some supplements can make it worse. I've never heard of MSM causing acne, and I don't know if it's possible. As far as collagen pills causing acne, I just don't see how they could. Did someone say it made their acne worse? Becauae people sometimes get breakouts out of the blue, many of them seem to pick a recently eaten food or pill at random and blame it for their acne. Sometimes their right, of course, but a lot of times their wrong.
Hi Miabella,

Well my acne is pretty much clear but before when I started taking msm I broke out but the reason was cause msm helps detox the body, so if you plan on taking it start really low and slow, it may not happen to you but just to let you know what happened to me, well I take my msm with vitc which you should do but vitc also do that same thing of detoxing the body of toxins, and what part of the body the toxins leave, yep skin and I guess poo and pee would be second or vice for collagen not sure on that one. oh I do get cycts but not as much anymore and lately since my acne cleared none now..
OK - low and slow sounds good. I don't have a problem with cystic acne, actually my skin is moderately clear and has been for quite some time now... but I have had a problem with acne on certain spots of my face. I just wanted to make sure this wouldn't cause that to flare up again since it's finally seemed to calm down over the past couple years.
Hey let us know if you get effective from it..k
MSM actually helps acne because part of the problem of acne is inflammation and MSM reduces inflammation. I've read several books on acne because my boyfriend has cystic acne and all point to internal and topical MSM as a near guaranteed solution.
Could you PLEASE stop necroposting to 2+ year old threads? I can assure you that the question was resolved whether or not they posted a resolution in the thread.
I was just making sure not to double post all these threads I am replying to are questions that have been asked more than once and so I thought I'd continue a thread instead of starting a new one. If I started 10 new threads for 10 points I want to make then people would call me a spammer. I thought it was looked highly upon here at BN to not start a new thread for a subject that already has one because whenever someone asks a question where the answer is in another thread people are quick to throw at someone "there's already a thread for that here". So I appologize I thought I was doing the right thing. I must have skipped over the rule that says I can't reply to old posts to avoid flooding the forums with new threads