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How is Bovine Ovary extracted?
February 10 2007 at 1:24 AM Jen (Login jennifer1974)


Are cows penned up and hurt/killed in the process of extracting BO? I assume the answer is yes, but maybe there are some small, family-owned farms that treat the cows well. Does anyone know? The last thing I want to support is animal abuse in the name of my stupid vanity. Thanks for any input!

Author Reply
(no login) Re: How is Bovine Ovary extracted? February 10 2007, 1:38 AM

Of course the animal has to go through the slaughter process to get the ovaries. How else would they be obtained?
As far as how the animals are treated? No one can tell you what goes on between the animal handlers and the animals themselves because none of us are there to know or witness what go on behind the scenes at those particular places.

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(Login solitairian)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: How is Bovine Ovary extracted? February 10 2007, 7:16 AM

It wouldn't be practical to extract a cow's ovaries when it was still alive.

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(Login emmiedee) dont know but February 10 2007, 3:59 PM

hey, im a meat eater, and you know what? im okay with that...

its possible that these cows are herded together, summarily shot, and their ovaries are harvested by greedy little men with an evil gleam in their eye and dollar signs on the mind, or perhaps the ovaries are harvested while the cows are still alive (somehow... cows kick pretty hard).

but pretty unlikely.

beef is a common food. when cows get killed for steaks and burgers, some bits are left over. like their ovaries...

nothing against vegetarians or animal rights people... but im not one of them, and i have come to terms with that. i like steak, i like chicken, i like darwinism. Wink sure it sounds harsh, but its a crazy world out there, and if i am going to go ahead and order up a steak (though no one seems to make a good one in this country), i may as well eat one of the waste products of the steak to improve my boobs...

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(Login Myjourney) I Like your February 10 2007, 4:24 PM

sense of humor!!!!
I think in a way it is a good thing, as you said, many people eat beef, and using other parts is a way to use the entire animal like we used to in the hunter/gatherer days...less waste. Beef is going to be slaughtered and eaten, might as well be "frugal" with it..

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: How is Bovine Ovary extracted? February 11 2007, 1:52 PM

I would like to think my BO comes from a small family owned farm where the ovaries are harvested once the nice old cow who lived a good life dies of old age. Reality tells me that it comes from cows who were raised and slaughtered for their meat, and then the ovaries are extracted.

I'm only the occasional meat eater since my teens, but that is only because one summer my dad bought a new freezer and bought a side of beef and we had steak 4-5 nights a week and from then on I didn't like it. As an adult, I learned how it does not digest well in our bodies. I do eat pepperoni on pizza, ham at Christmas & Easter, I love sausage and eat it maybe 5-8x a year. Even eat the occasional hot dog at a ball game even though I have no idea what it is. I eat chicken breast and turkey also about once a week. I do think that treatment of animals raised for meat is cruel, same for eggs farms.

Emmie, this is not a funny subject....but I can't help but see your cartoon video (wasn't that yours??) playing out when you describe your story of the slaughter and the little evil men. I like your take on things, very straight and to the point.

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(Login emmiedee) no offense intended February 11 2007, 4:39 PM

naturally... i tend to be a bit on the harsh side from time to time, as well as cynical and sarcastic... but overall i regard life as something that is to be lived and something that is, really, inherently funny... if it comes across as too much, do let me know and i will curb it. as much as i can... because sometimes when people go on animal rights kicks i get images for some reason of oompa loompas from willy wonka and the chocolate factory (the original one, not the new one) in a cow farm instead. blame it on the war...

yes, that was indeed my video that i posted a few weeks back... that thing cracks me up...

i didnt eat red meat for a little while, just because i didnt really like it much and i went on a cows rock kick for awhile when i was a teenager. my husband makes a mean steak, though, and my dads spaghetti sauce doesnt taste right without beef chunks. i dont eat pork, because im allergic, but i really dont have any emotional attachments to any particular animal. except my cats. i would be most put out if someone ate my cats...

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(Login jennifer1974) clarification February 12 2007, 11:43 PM

I don't really care if anyone here eats meat or what not. I'm not going to get into that debate in a breast forum of all places.

My question was referring to the method of extracting cow ovaries or liquids from cow ovaries. I am wondering if there are farms specifically for that, like China does for bear bile, or if the ovaries are taken from the innards that are pulled out of the cows in the slaughter machines ... or if the hormones are extracetd from cows who are being used for milk, or what...?

I don't really want to hear about everyone's standards of ethics or be given any "lessons" on what my level of respect for life should be.

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(no login) Re: How is Bovine Ovary extracted? February 12 2007, 11:56 PM

Chill out. You asked that question in a forum where women are taking the product, like we care or even want to think of how it is extracted. You probably should contact the manufacturers of Bovine Ovary products to get that info.

You should realize that sometimes things get off topic, nobody has the answer to your question it appears. Nobody wants to argue, you shouldn't take it so seriously.

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: How is Bovine Ovary extracted? February 13 2007, 3:19 AM

I should not speak for others. I meant to say I don't care and I don't want to know how it is extracted.

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(Login Buffeeee) Re: How is Bovine Ovary extracted? February 13 2007, 4:21 PM

Jen, that's a good question. I never really thought about it, honestly. I always figured it was a byproduct of slaughtering the animals for meat.

Knowing the usefulness of a cow with no ovaries (no calves=no milk), I'm pretty sure that they are slaughtered.

Be interesting to find out the truth, though.

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(Login jennifer1974) thanks Buffy February 14 2007, 1:07 AM

Buffy, thanks for not getting defensive or attacking me on this issue.
I do care about how its extracted and where it comes from if I am going to put it into my body - I think that's something important to think about that has not been raised in this forum. We all care so much about the size of our breasts, but we should not neglect or endanger the rest of our bodies.

So far, I've had NO luck online trying to find out how BO is gathered or where specific brands come from.

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(Login minsky)
EVE MEMBERS Re: How is Bovine Ovary extracted? February 14 2007, 10:49 AM

I assure you that nobody would go to the trouble of operating on a cow to remove it's ovaries whilst it was still alive. Besides, what would be the point? Cows are slaughtered every day for their meat, so ovaries are bound to be plentiful. I suppose most of the ovaries just get thrown away.


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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: How is Bovine Ovary extracted? February 14 2007, 10:56 AM

Jen, nobody is attacking you, if you read through, we had a friendly conversation and you pretty much scolded us. I can't think of any medical reason that anyone would be taking it, so we ARE taking the product for the sole pupose of "stupid vanity" like you said, and if you don't want to, that is a personal choice -- But you should realize how your comments might appear to those who are.

Honestly, it would not be cost effective to raise cows for the sole purpose of the ovaries, so it makes sense that they are raised for other purposes, then the ovaries and whatever else can be used are taken once they are slaughtered. I don't think the slaughter of any animal on these farms is a pretty sight, or humane.

We are told that Bountiful Breast says that their ovary comes from non pesticide, grain fed, non steriod injected cows in Argentina. Same for Vitamin Power. DNE says the same thing on their web site, but when our orders arrived, the bottle states that it comes from Denmark.

We all would like some real documentation on BO, not just opinions and exerpts. I have spent many hours (and am pretty sure everyone else has also) reading and searching, but nothing is out there, and if it is, it's not published. Any real studies or link to information is welcome. Good luck, hope you all your questions answered and share with us what you find.

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(Login emmiedee) now hold on February 14 2007, 4:48 PM


okay. two things:

1) what on EARTH is that for? and
2) i know i sure dont want to work there...

okay and one more:

3) who has to stick their fingers down the bear throats?

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(Login Buffeeee) Re: How is Bovine Ovary extracted? February 15 2007, 2:01 PM

Ewww... That reminds me of when I visited my best friend who is a veterinarian at an animal hospital. They had a cow in there that they kept to donate the yummy fluids in her rumen to sick cattle. There was a permanent hole in her side with what looked like a rubber stopper (it had an outer edge, too.) When she ate, a little brown goo bubbled out. My friend asked me if I wanted to stick my hand in her rumen. I passed! Yuck.

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(Login emmiedee) awful... February 15 2007, 4:27 PM

have you seen the movie ready to rumble? its a funny movie about pro wrestling, but for about the first quarter of the movie the guys drive a septic truck (poop truck!). every scene the truck is in it is dribbling a little bit of brown goo...

when you said that about the cow it made me think of that. gross! haha...

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(Login jennifer1974) Bear Bile Farms February 16 2007, 12:00 AM

There are about 7,000 bears on bear-bile farms in China. The captive animals are used to supply the voracious Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) market. Bear bile has been an ingredient in TCM for thousands of years, but intensive bear farming only came into existence in the 1980s when China's supply of wild bears began running low. The farms, however, have created a new set of problems.

more here:

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(Login jennifer1974) thanks February 16 2007, 12:05 AM

Thanks for all of the great comments.

I'm not trying to offend anyone, but yes, I do believe vanity is "stupid," yet I am still a victim of it.
I also believe in karma, and I believe that if we are not conscious about our consumption, then it will backfire on us. (ie. saggy, unhealthy boobs? hehe.)

anyway, good luck to all of you. i wish us all the best!!

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Sally Anne
(Login sally.anne)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: How is Bovine Ovary extracted? February 23 2007, 7:43 AM

Very few companies sell bovine ovary, as I'm sure everyone here has realised. Therefore most bovine ovaries from all those slaughtered cows are probably just thrown away, as someone pointed out above.

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(Login O1ivia) Re: How is Bovine Ovary extracted? February 27 2007, 3:53 PM

well i took an animal science class at my college where they actually slaughter the cows there and everything but they go through a whole process with it. It doesnt hurt the cow because first they shock it which does not hurt the cow then one sice through the throat which it does not feel due to the shock. So even though it might sound a little harsh. It really is not hurting the cow at all. Just letting you know cuz I took a whole class on it at actually had to go to the slaughter house and see where they do everything and the tools they use.

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: How is Bovine Ovary extracted? February 28 2007, 1:32 AM

Well now we have proof that....

1) they are not extracted while the cow is alive

2) they are not nice old cows who filled out an ovary donor card

3) they are slaughted for our stupid vanity in a *shocking*, but humane way

Thanks Olivia, finally some real answers! Smile

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(Login emmiedee) kosher February 28 2007, 4:22 PM

sounds like a kosher deli to me! bless it, slit the throat, a painless death. and i get a breakfast of steak and ovary...

i will start a movement when i have some time to get the cows all fixed up with ovary doner cards, as sissy suggests... im sure the cows would support it...

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(Login fawnmarie) Re: How is Bovine Ovary extracted? March 11 2007, 1:21 AM

Ovaries used for glandular therapy are removed from organically fed cows when they are slaughtered for the meat.

Not pleasant, but the cows are slaughtered for meat whether the glands are used for medicinal therapy.

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(no login) Re: How is Bovine Ovary extracted? March 15 2007, 11:36 AM

Yes the cows are slaughtered anyway, whether the ovaries are taken for sale or just thrown away.

(Login coral.reef) Re: How is Bovine Ovary extracted? April 4 2007, 8:34 AM

If you happen to live near a slaughterhouse, ask them for bovine ovaries and there's a good chance they will give you some for free. Most of the time they are regarded as unfit for human consumption and simply thrown away.