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Kieyah-question about magnets??
March 18 2008 at 4:33 AM Kekie  (Login Kekie)


I just started using them and want to make sure I am doing it right. I put a set over the nipple only on the right smaller breast. Can I also put a set up on the top boob for growth 4 magnets total on one breast?


Author Reply
(Login Kekie)
SENIOR MEMBER this may sound dumb March 18 2008, 4:38 AM 

Should I be sitting in front of the computer with them on?


(Login kieyah)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Kieyah-question about magnets?? March 18 2008, 4:46 AM 

Hello, kekie. if you check the magnets forum you can find a whole bunch of valuable info on them put together courtesy of Louise. As long as you are not too close the the pc you should be fine. According to the ebook you can only experience growth if the magnets are placed over the nipples. but it does state that you can use them anywhere else for reducing (using opposite side of magnets). So it makes since that you should be able to place them where ever you want growth. Well I tried that (wanting growth towards the outer sides) and it didn't seem to work for me. But you could give it a try. I do want to warn you though the magnets can slap into each other and pinch your skin (OUCH!) and also could break if they slap into each other. So you might not want to wear them at the same time as the ones over the nipples.


(Login Kekie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Kieyah-question about magnets?? March 18 2008, 4:54 AM 

Thanks Kieyah. I am so anxious to see if these work. I will try them over the nipples for a while then change it up a bit. As long as I keep the positive side down on the skin they could be placed anywhere right? I am only doing magnets as I am 4 months post lactating. I think it will be a while before I can start herbs, but I'm in this for the long haul!


(Login kieyah)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Kieyah-question about magnets?? March 18 2008, 5:03 AM 

you might want to check with the nba ebook guy to make sure that it won't cause you to start lactating again. i know herbs, suction or massage obviously would. but not too sure about the magnets. They are also stimulating things in there so I'd check with him to see what he says about using magnets without the herbs or massage. the positive side against the skin is for growth, negative side facing skin for reducing/healing.


(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Kieyah-question about magnets?? March 18 2008, 5:48 AM 

Just to say that my hard drive broke down and I used to use the magnets when I was on the computer - I think a laptop might by more susceptible and I was also using reduction magnets on my thighs with the laptop on my lap so they were pretty close. The manufacturer's say not to come within about 8 inches of your computer (I don't think it's the screen that will be damaged but it can wipe your hard drive!). I'm not sure if this was the cause of my hard drive breaking but you should be careful because data recovery quotes I have had have been up to £1500!!!


(Login Kekie)
SENIOR MEMBER HEY LOUISE March 18 2008, 3:10 PM 

Did the manets on the thighs work? I used the magnets over night for the first time and saw a difference in lift. I wish it was that easy with growth. I was thinking about making the NBA boobie batter for growth but i'm afraid of the ingredients that it might induce lactation.


(Login -Moon-)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Kieyah-question about magnets?? March 18 2008, 3:59 PM 

Kekie, are you doing the magnets by wearing them continously or as the NBA book instructs in sessions? I tried magnets first continously like Kieyah did and it didn't give me any growing signs at all, not a signle tingle. Then I started doing it (almost) exactly like the book says - 1 energising and 3 growth treatments a day (which include massage and another stack of magnets in the so called CVS position), and that's when I started getting more growing signs than ever before. I've grown a bit over an inch so far.


(Login Kekie)
SENIOR MEMBER How I am using magnets March 18 2008, 6:25 PM 

I am only wearing them at night over the nipple on the small boob and during my kids nap time during the day about 1 1/2 hours). I don't think I can follow the NBA program because I am afraid massages might induce lactation sice it has only been 4 months post lactating. I e-mailed the NBA website about using the magnets since I am not pregnant or nursing to see if I could do the program but no response yet. The NBA book clearly states you have to wait until after birth to use the magnets, but keep them away from kids. I will take any suggestions to what I can try without stimulating milk production, as I don't know if my milk has dried up. I must say that I was impressed with the little lift I got from wearing the magnets overnight...I thought it was pretty will it stay?


(Login -Moon-)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Kieyah-question about magnets?? March 18 2008, 6:52 PM 

I have no idea how long after birth one isn't supposed to massage. Maybe you'd be able to do a very light massage, the kind that is only for blood flow and lymph drainage and doesn't stimulate the lobes. But maybe contious use without massage is the right thing for you. I know it wasn't for me, it's cruicial for me to massage too and do the enegrising treatment. You could also do the energising position, can't hurt and you should be able to tell soon if it makes a difference, if it gives you tingling and this 'active' sensation in the breasts shortly after applying the magnets. I usually get that when I energise after not having done it for a couple of days, as if the breasts actually ''ran out'' of the energy and needed to be ''refilled''.

    This message has been edited by -Moon- on Mar 18, 2008 6:53 PM


(Login Kekie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Kieyah-question about magnets?? March 18 2008, 7:43 PM 

I haven't read through the whole NBA book, justed skimmed for the info I was looking for so I will read up on energizing positioning. Do you think boobie batter would help without massage for growth?
Unfortunately I thought I researched NBE well before coming to this forum and ordered a 6 month supply of breast gain plus. I was fooled by the web sites. I had a list of all the products and success rates and went with the one that seemed to be the best...from the talk here on the forum...boy was I fooled. So I have these bottles/cream that I can't take because I am afraid it will induce lactation, unless the ingrediens are so mild it won't do anything meaning no growth or lactation. Sometime, I don't know when I am going to try them since I have them then move onto something different if it doesn't work. I am using the cream with the magnets, but saw a difference overnight with just the magnets in lift. Now I just want growth and equal size boobs. Right now I am just doing the small boobie not touching the bigger one.


(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Kieyah-question about magnets?? March 18 2008, 8:06 PM 

Difficult to tell about the thigh magnets as I watch what I eat and workout too - definitely no major improvement but haven't worn them for a while.

I made up the tincture as decribed in the ebook and not sure if I would recommend it although I doubt it would make you lactate, the ingredients are expensive and difficult to get hold of. Not sure if it made much difference as I used it with suction instead of the massage.

I try to do the energising treatment for about 10mins before I use BB for 1 hour and then the growth treament after from 5mins to a few hours depending on whether I have time to just sit there or if I have to go and do something. I try to do 2-4 growth treatments in a day. I definitely always get tingles when I put the energy magnets on and usually the growth magnets too.


(Login Kekie)
SENIOR MEMBER Moon and Louise thanks for the info March 18 2008, 8:38 PM 

I have been reading in the NBA book and am going to try to do energising 2 times a day in the afternoon and evening. I have 3 kids in diapers so I don't have a lot of time. I will keep reading to gain more info. Thanks ladies!


(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Kieyah-question about magnets?? March 18 2008, 8:59 PM 

I work a lot so I do some before work, some after work, some before bed then some about 4.30am but then nothing all day during working hours. Anyone who's at home all day should have an advantage.


(Login Kekie)
SENIOR MEMBER home all day..not a lot of time March 18 2008, 9:04 PM 

You would think since I stay home with the kids I would have alot of time, but cleaning and laundry is hard to fit in when you have a toddler and twin babies running around getting into everything, also I can't wear the magnets around the kids.


(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Kieyah-question about magnets?? March 18 2008, 9:09 PM 

Rather you than me!


(Login Mango84)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Kieyah-question about magnets?? March 19 2008, 3:13 PM 

Kekie - you are doing great to be able to do that much with the magnets, with all of your other responsibilities!! You are Super-Kekie!! Smile Smile


(Login Kekie)
SENIOR MEMBER Thanks Mango March 19 2008, 6:16 PM 

I saw my OB for my yearly today and got up the nerve to talk about NBE...she said she didn't know of any success stories. She also told me that it takes a year for a mothers milk to dry up so the herbs could possibly make me lactate (how depressing). Even worse when I talked about being lopsided and she did a breast exam she said "Oh yeah you really are"
I am just like every woman here trying to grow boobs and most importantly even them out. Well for now I will stick to magnets and BGP cream. Hoping for a change!